Increase your organization's work and service capacity while helping us mentor our Public Health students.
Our Baylor Public Health students are trained to promote the health and well-being of individuals and communities. They are learning to apply research-validated methods and work in collaborative partnerships to:
- Assess health needs and contributing factors.
- Identify health promotion capacities and potential solutions.
- Develop, implement, and evaluate health promoting interventions.
- Communicate user-friendly health information.
- Advocate for health-enhancing resources, policies, and environments.
Course Projects
We are always looking for community-based partners for course projects. Depending on the scope, timeline, and “course fit” of your project idea, a course instructor and students could potentially work with you to:
- Design/implement a research study to examine a health-related problem and its contributing factors, monitory health trends and outcomes, and answer important public health questions.
- Design/help implement a health intervention.
- Evaluate an existing program or intervention.
- Write a grant proposal.
- Create/deliver health communications and health-promoting events.
- Advocate for health-related resources and policies.
Student Organization Projects
It is possible that your ideas may fit the service focus of our student organization. Our students may be available as a group or as individuals (depending on their school and work schedules) to help with a single event or for a period of time.
MPH Practicum or BSPH Internship
Our MPH and BSPH students can engage with an organization to assist with specific projects in their required practicum/internship. Example projects include public health research; health-related needs and capacity assessments; intervention development, implementation, and/or evaluation; health communication, and public health advocacy.
Doctoral Research
Our doctoral students can engage in various types of research activities as part of their “mentored research” requirements in our curriculum and/or their culminating dissertation project.
Hiring an MPH Student
Some of our MPH students may be available to work for your organization as a part-time employee while completing their MPH degree with us. Gaining real-world public health work experienced from you could be an invaluable and exciting experience for them. Typically, our students are able to work up to 20 hours per week and succeed academically in our degree program.
For more information, please contact: Leigh Greathouse, PhD, Interim Chair of the Department of Public Health, or Beth Lanning, PhD, MCHES, Associate Chair of the Department of Public Health